Saturday, June 10, 2006

Disney was my downfall

I excitedly boarded the bus for Disneyland with the senior class. All my favorite kids were on the bus that I was "chaperoning" and I actually was looking forward to the trip. As we got farther into our 7 hour bus trip I knew that I was going to have a tough night ahead of me. We arrived at California Adventure for the 10pm-12am time slot and then we headed over to Disneyland until 6am. We rode rollercoasters at California Adventure and then rode the various themed rides at Disneyland. I started yawning at midnight, was losing steam at 3am, and was pretty much done by 4am. I started to notice my throat was sore around 3:30 and it just got worse as the night/morning went on.

I slept most of the way home on the bus, but you know that you never really sleep well in a moving vehicle unless you can lie down. I got back to my house a 4pm and was in bed and asleep by 4:30pm. I woke up for about an hour around 8:30 - just enough time to make a few phone calls and eat something before heading back to bed. I was up at 5:30am to head to GGP for my run.

We had 23 miles on the plate this morning. I wasn't sure how things were going to go for me because my throat still felt like I had swallowed broken glass. We started our run and I kept waiting for my body to get into the groove. At about 4 1/2 miles we met up with Coach Scott out on the course and I chatted with him about how I was feeling. He asked me to stop at mile 6 and see how I was feeling. Mile 8 was the same water stop, so I could join up with my group on their way back to GGP. I hung out for the 30 minutes that it took for them to run the 2 miles and realized that I wasn't going to make the whole run. I ran with them for the next 3 miles and then headed back to camp. So, overall I did 10 miles and I'm happy with that, especially with how I felt and still feel. I just didn't see the point of killing myself when I have already completed 20 miles. In 3 weeks, for the 26 mile run, I will run somewhere between 20 and 23 and call it good.

I came home and spent several hours in bed and have been lazing on my couch since then. I'm going to take some Nyquil and head to bed in the next couple of minutes and hope that more sleep will get rid of the sore throat. I just hope this isn't the start of something bad.


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