Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I just got an email from one of our PE teachers who burst my bubble. I talked to him the other day at lunch and asked about my speedy last mile at Sunday's run. First he told me that I should be running faster during my races, and then he asked how the course was measured. His email said that the course was touted as a 5 mile run, but really it was more like 4.6 miles. I just checked and he is right. That means that I ran at about a 10:30 pace overall, which isn't bad but I wanted the glory of saying I had run a 6 minute mile. Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true.

What I do find amusing is that the Head of School keeps encouraging me to run the New York Marathon. She has talked it up several times in conversation and keeps sending me articles about people who are training for it. The scary thing is, I'm really thinking about it. Before you think I have completely lost my brain, I wouldn't run it this year. There are only 2 1/2 months until the race, I'm still dealing with my foot, and I've added some things to my plate, like coaching, this year that I have never done. I think that I have enough to deal with this year - but maybe next year...


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