Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Meetings, meetings, and more meetings....

School starts next week, which means that this week is one of meetings. Monday was CPR/First Aid certification for coaching, last night and tonight is a coaching certificate, today was all of the learning disabled kids, and tomorrow and Friday are faculty meetings. The only meal that I will eat at home this week was Monday's dinner. Oh, and I haven't read the summer reading that I have to discuss in our faculty meeting tomorrow, come up with a course calendar for the class I start teaching on Tuesday, or figured out my plan for the volleyball season. So much for a restful weekend.

On a positive note, I did sign up for the US Half Marathon on November 5th. It is good to have a running goal to try to work towards to keep me on track with my training. I would hate to lose all this hard work that I have put into my running.

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